What’s In a Name?

Summerlin Lutheran Church, the first church in Summerlin back in 1990, now has a new name.  The congregation is now called Foundation Lutheran Church.  Foundation is not only a construction term, it also is biblical.  Among the many passages of the Bible that mention a foundation is 1 Corinthians 3:11 – “No one can build on any foundation other than the one that has already been laid, Christ Jesus.”  Since our foundation is on Jesus, it is a fitting name for a Christian congregation.  But we are also “Lutheran.”  That word finds its roots back in the Reformation of 16th century Germany.  Martin Luther and many faithful men and women with him were able to bring people back to the clear words of God about salvation only by God’s grace alone, only through faith in Jesus and only found in God’s Word.  And we are also a “church.”  This is more than an organization or a club.  It is a gathering of people who are interested in what God has to say and who are in need of the forgiveness that Jesus freely gives.  We are Foundation Lutheran Church.  It might be a new name and a fresh look, but it’s the same foundation on the same Savior that we’ve been building on since the beginning.


